MRT’s Board

starting at left: Jo-Anne Unruh, Dianne Hinaris (President), Ken Kramberg (Treasurer), Karen Rosene-Montella (retired board president) Emily Anderson (Secretary)

Dianne HinarisPresident is the owner and CEO of The Olive Table LLC, specializing in importing premium Greek olive oils and specialty food products. She transitioned from a career in financial services to focus full-time on her company, which she founded in 2011. With a background in Operations and IT, she managed projects for major banks and brokerage firms like Lehman Brothers and Deutsche Bank. In addition to her business endeavors, Dianne is deeply involved in MoonRise Therapeutics, serves as the president of the board, and remains an active member of the development committee.

Jo-Anne Unruh, Ph.D., served as Co-President and Director Emeritus of SNSC. Throughout her career, she focused on enhancing services for children with disabilities in Vermont, collaborating across disciplines and advocating for equity and inclusion. With a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Doctorate in Education, she also holds certifications as a Vermont licensed special educator, administrator, and mediator. Outside of her professional pursuits, she enjoys outdoor activities and cherishes time with family, including her husband, son, daughter-in-law, and grandson Aleph.

Ken Kramberg, M.EdTreasurer is an education consultant. He provides technical assistance, consultation and training to schools and human service agencies throughout Vermont. He is a member of the Vermont Positive Behavior Supports Leadership team at the University of Vermont and has been on the Moonrise Therapeutics board of directors since its inception. He was previously Director of the Hartford Area Regional Education Collaborative programs, the Wilder Schooland Director of the Quechee Ski School.

Emily AndersonSecretary retired in 2017 as the Director of Admission and Financial Aid at The Gordon School in Rhode Island after nearly two decades of dedicated service. Currently she actively contributes to MoonRise as a board member, lending her expertise to group programs, barn work, and serving on the finance committee and as president of the development committee. Additionally, Emily serves on the Board of Directors at the Fayerweather Street School in Massachusetts and is committed to fostering educational equity and justice.